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Category: Motivation

How to Walk the Line of Work and Life Balance

Have you eaten today?  I ask before you start reading because the topic of work/life balance is an elusive one.  Every person is looking, longing, and languishing over this mysterious balance hidden somewhere out there in the land of perfection.  But it boils down to very…

The ABC’S of Motivation +1: Featuring Dr. Kori Propst

  Hello, Hello, Hello  It’s another gorgeous day here in San Diego, I hope your day is starting off great!   Any time I learn new skills or tools that will help me grow, just know I’m going to share them all with you. Self-development…

Never Suppress Your Feelings : Happiness Planner

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a great weekend! My weekend was refreshing, I hung out with a few friends, relaxed, and spent the rest of the weekend reflecting on my progression towards my goals that I set up for this year. Every couple months I think that it…

Environment Is Everything In Life

I grew up with a tremendous amount of change in my life.  Nothing was ever really set.  You could say there was a lot of chaos. Once I had a home of my own, I felt the joy of playing house and the struggle of keeping up with…

Why I Started and Created a Blog: Bloom!

I started a blog because I love fashion, fitness, and motivation, but it goes a little deeper than that. Although those three things are my passion, they only play a small part behind why I started Bloom. I started Bloom to bring women together to encourage, empower, and uplift each…

“Oh, how I love thee. Let me count the ways.”

Hello BLOOM Followers! I’m beyond honored to be sharing tips, tricks, and tools I’ve picked up along the way to empowered living.  It’s been an exciting voyage of  highs and  lows, as you can imagine. I’m just like everybody else.  Really, I…

Goals:How To Create A Realistic List & Tackle Them Effectively (Part 2)

6 Minutes Read Last year was an amazing year for my accountability partner, Sheree, and I. We accomplished many of our goals and learned a lot about ourselves, in regards to our strong attributes, weaknesses, and fears.  We owe our accomplishments to each other and using the Goal Exchange…

11 Space Clearing Tips to Invite Positive Energy Into Your New Year !

I want to continue to kick off great vibes for everyone to achieve and tackle their goals by providing some tools to help get you there. With that being said, I brought back Life Energy Coach, Valerie Sorrentino, to discuss 11 ways to clear space and invite positive energy into…

Trust the Timing of Your Life

In the past I often questioned where I was in life because things weren’t going according to the way I envisioned . I had personal and professional goals that I wanted to accomplish by a certain time. When those goals didn’t happen, I often had thoughts like… &nbsp…

Goals: How to Create a Realistic List & Tackle them Effectively

The day after Christmas, my girl Sheree and I chatted over the phone to discuss our 2016 goals that we had set out to accomplish for the year. At the beginning of 2016, we typed up  goals to achieve for the year and decided to exchange our lists to…