Changing Your Mindset

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The wrong mindset can often block a person from following his or her dreams and making them reality. Not long ago, I allowed fear and doubt to keep me from going after the many things I imagined myself doing in life. I knew what I wanted, yet failed to understand why such hopes and dreams seemed so unattainable. I mean I knew I wanted to accomplish so many things I was passionate about, but I didn’t necessarily know how I was going to get there. This was beyond overwhelming. 


The more overwhelmed I became, the more I began to over think and my subconscious mind taunted me. “Shaniece, can you really do this and if so how are you going to get there?” I failed to realize that this voice in my head played a big part in holding me back from pursuing my dreams. It wasn’t until one of my best friends introduced Rhonda Byrnes,”The Secret”, three years ago that my mindset began to change. 


“The Secret” shows how to apply powerful knowledge to every area of your life, including tips on health, wealth, success, and relationships. I became obsessed with “The Secret” and started reading all the books. I probably watched the documentary hundreds of times. It felt empowering to know that I was in control of my destiny. Nothing happens by accident or chance. I finally understood what was holding me back from achieving my goals and what I needed to do in order to change my current situation.

Have you ever questions why 2% of the population has exactly what they want? This didn’t happen by chance or accident.  Everything (good or bad) in your life right now you have attracted in your life consciously or subconsciously. Whatever we think about we bring about, so if you are constantly thinking negative that is exactly what you are going to see. But, if you feel confident and feel positive about achieving your goals you will see the results of your positive thoughts. 

When I decided to move to California 3 years ago I didn’t even know how I was going to get there. I quit my job in New Hampshire, packed my car, and headed to California. I did not have a job lined up, but I had faith everything was going to line up. Ever since I made that big move I have been blessed with great opportunities and have learned so much about myself and the world around me. 


Once you understand that nothing happens to all of us by chance or accident and that you are in control of your destiny you are one step closer to changing your mindset. For those who have a goal they are struggling to tackle or accomplish, all you need to do is ask, believe and be ready to receive it. Don’t worry about how you will get there just know the universe will set the path.

Changing your mindset doesn’t happen overnight, but everyday you will become better. I’m still working on how to improve my thoughts to attract everything I want and need in my life. To learn more about changing your mindset read The Secret !

Your turn, tell me what your thoughts are on this topic?

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  1. Cayanne Marcus @healthyezsweet | 30th May 16

    Wow it’s been awhile since I heard someone talk about The Secret! My mom and I read it together when I was in like…7th grade I believe. But even at that young age it definitely impressed upon me. PS love your blog concept of empowering women. I’m also geared towards female empowerment at my blog along with encouraging body positivity and self love 🙂
    Cayanne Marcus @healthyezsweet recently posted…7 TTLY!! Important Life Lessons from my Middle School DiaryMy Profile

  2. Shaniece | 30th May 16

    That’s amazing that you have been introduced to The Secret at a young age. Many people that I have mentioned the book to have said that they read the book along time ago but didn’t really understand the concept of what it really meant until their adult age.I’m happy that you enjoyed my blog and thanks so much for stopping by Cayanne!

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