3 Ways to Ditch Insecurity to Help You Become the Best Version of Yourself

We all have insecurities its part of being human. We all struggle with feeling like we are not good enough, smart enough, or doing enough. We worry that we are not healthy enough, pretty enough, or that they won’t like us. We fear failing, being rejected or that we are a fraud. These deep-seated insecurities can impact us in a number of different ways. They impact our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. If we let our insecurities go unchecked, they can sabotage our life and keep us from truly living.

Here are three ways you can overcome your insecurities and start living your best life:

1. Self-Awareness: We have to be willing to face our insecurities to overcome them. For many people, their insecurities such as feeling not good enough maybe unconscious but if they look closer, they can see that the reason they overwork themselves and aim for perfection is because they believe, “if you do enough, you will be enough”.

It is never easy to face our shadow, the parts of ourselves that are hard to feel and notice. Often our insecurities were formed when were younger. Children can be made to feel they are not good enough and thus become programmed with this belief that can wreak havoc for the rest of our life.

It takes the courage to develop the self-awareness to notice the root of our insecurities so we can overcome and heal them. What are your insecurities? How old were you when they were formed? What do these parts need from you to let go of this unhealthy belief?

2. Self-Acceptance: To overcome your insecurities you have to accept yourself completely. We will all have parts of ourselves we are not particularly proud of but instead of shaming ourselves open up some space for compassion and curiosity. Work to understand all parts of yourself and accept them. Often the darkest parts of ourselves were developed to try and help us meet a need. When we are jealous it is often because we fear we are not good enough. Notice this and give yourself the acceptance and love you deserve.

3. Self-Care: You have to take care of yourself the same way you would take care of someone you loved deeply. We are responsible for taking care of ourselves and nourishing our own souls. Do things that fill you up and make you feel alive. If you do not know what those things are then experiment, try new things. When you start to take care of yourself like you would your best friend or child there won’t be room for insecurities. Know that you are enough just the way you are, and you deserve to be taken care of. The more you take time to fill your own cup the more you will have to give and the more successful you will be.

Be compassionate with yourself as you overcome your insecurities. We all struggle from time to time with unhealthy beliefs about ourselves but know they do not have to run your life. Take time to develop the self-awareness to overcome and heal your insecurities with acceptance and self-care. It’s time to flourish and thrive.

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