Set Yourself Up for Success with Your Mindset: 4 Tips

No matter how successful we may look on the outside what really matters is what is going on inside. How we talk to ourselves, what we believe our worth is, and our connection to our body.  Success can mean several different things such as wealth, job title, and happiness. This is unique to you, but I would argue that wealth and a job title don’t mean much if you are not happy.  How you feel about your life and your self are key aspects of success. It is up to you to define what this looks like and means to you.  Our mindset is key to our success and here are some tips that will help you succeed at anything.  

Photo Credit: Lauren Lippy

1. Master Failure: Those who have success can also list several failures. Failures though are just stepping stones to success. You have to be willing to fail and then learn from those mistakes. To keep gaining momentum. Every loss can be a win if you are willing to allow it to be your teacher. 

 2. Positive Self Talk: We all have an intern dialogue running and it usually plays similar scripts. Start to notice what those scripts are? We have to become conscious of what is occurring in order to change it. We are often our own worst critic. Take some time to get to know these voices and then consciously work to change them to a more optimistic view by having more positive thoughts. We are wired with a negativity bias due to survival strategies from our hunter-gather ancestors. We are not under the same threat we were back then, so we have to make a conscious effort to re-wire our brain for optimism. Optimism is not a delusional state where you deny the negative it just means you are realistic and grounded. You trust you can handle obstacles as they arise, and you can spend your mental energy focusing on opportunities for growth. Allow yourself to notice your strengths, relish in accomplishments, encourage yourself, compliment yourself and reward yourself.  

3. Set small goals that will lead to greater success: It is easy to get stuck in the daily grind of life and to have our own personal goals fall to the side. It’s important to break down your big goals into small, frequent, easily achievable daily and weekly goals. Accomplishing these small goals will help you build momentum. Get specific and make a plan. Write out your big goals and then next to them write out mini-goals with dates to accomplish them. Stick to your goals but also be flexible. Things change and you will need to maintain a level of emotional fitness for success. Be kind to yourself. Be open to making adjustments, reach out for support, be able to roll with the punches. 

4.Practice Gratitude and Manifesting. Each day in the morning or before bed spends a couple of minutes either in your mind or in your journal going over the things you are grateful for, the things that went well over the day and the things that inspired you. Then take a couple of moments to allow yourself to see and feel yourself accomplishing your goals. Let these moments sink in. Notice how you feel, what you are doing, and who you are with. 

Start to use your mind as a tool for greater success!

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