5 Proven Tips to Help You Stay Consistent

Read Time: 4.5 Minutes

Hi, Bloomers!

I’m so pleased to be back this month to share a strong message with you all that would help you in all aspects of your life.  Before I dive in to the topic, here’s a question to ask yourself:

Do you find yourself beginning to make strides towards your short-term/long-term goals, but after two weeks you lose momentum or completely stop? If you answered “yes” to the question, I want you to know there’s nothing to feel ashamed of because most people in their lives have struggled with this at one point or another. To break this habit and adopt healthier habits, it’s important to identify why this is happening and what you need to do to get/stay on track towards your overall goal. The number one way to make a habit stick is by being consistent. Consistency is the key to help you get closer to accomplishing your goals. Think of it this way, what you do every day matters more than what you do occasionally. So, how do you make a change and stick with it without becoming burnt out? How do you develop these vital habits when you are struggling to stick with your current schedule? I’ve been there and I understand the struggle and that’s why I’m here today to help you with that. I have the solution to this issue.


Here are 5 tips that I have implemented, which  have helped me stay consistent. All you need to have is an open mind for change and before you know it, change has happened. Ok, let’s dive in!


  1. Be clear about your vision: take some time to really think about this goal and what this change will do for you.  Reflect on what inspires you, because your WHY will keep you motivated during your tough days.


  1. Set aside the time: Schedule the task in your calendar and block off the time you need to get it done.

 “Remember if it’s not scheduled, it’s not real” ~Marie Forleo


  1. Ignore your feelings: There are going to be days when your motivation is nearing zero, but you have to learn to put this feeling to the side and push through it. The feeling is temporary and usually, when you get going, you’re generally happy that you didn’t let that moment of downiness dictate your whole day. This post will help you stick to your plan.


  1. Don’t have an all or nothing mindset: Let’s be real here, there are going to be weeks when you can’t stick to your schedule, but that doesn’t mean you should quit altogether. Remember, try not to feel guilty; pick up where you left off and push through on the next scheduled day. A little progress is better than nothing.


  1. Guidance is always ok: Seek out a mentor/coach or get an accountability partner; someone you can check in with daily, weekly or monthly. Make sure you choose someone that will be brutally honest with you and will hold you accountable. Download the FREE goal exchange sheet to help you stay on track with your goals.

Stick to these five habits and you’ll for sure see results. If you have any questions contact me and I would be happy to answer any questions you have.

For daily workout routines and motivation, follow me on my Instagram stories.

Share Your Thoughts

Do you have any tips on staying consistent, please share it below!

Before You Leave

Do you know someone that can benefit from reading this? If so, pay it forward and share this post with them!

Outfit Details: Dress|Sandles





  1. STEPHANIE CAMPBELL | 15th Aug 18

    I love this piece so much! Your 5 tips are so on point. I reflected back to when I felt most successful and it is when I scheduled getting tasks done! This piece truly resonated with me.

  2. Shaniece | 16th Aug 18

    I’m happy this piece resonated with you!

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