Goals:How To Create A Realistic List & Tackle Them Effectively (Part 2)

6 Minutes Read

Last year was an amazing year for my accountability partner, Sheree, and I. We accomplished many of our goals and learned a lot about ourselves, in regards to our strong attributes, weaknesses, and fears.  We owe our accomplishments to each other and using the Goal Exchange Method that we created. The Goal Exchange Method motivated us to stay on track and kept us focused. This year is starting off great for us because we are clear on the goals we want to tackle for 2017.  

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I’m excited to share the Bloom’s Goal Exchange Sheet with you all.  I added a few new things to the method that we used last year so it’s more organized to help us all get better results. We are using 3 ingredients to effectively tackle our goals and I want to share the method with you in hopes that it will help you get closer to completing your goals.  If you haven’t read Goals: How to Create a Realistic List & Tackle them Effectively, read this first to better understand the method. Down below are the 3 ingredients and the guidelines on how to use the Goal Exchange Sheet.

The 3 Ingredients to Crushing Your Goals

  1. Write down your goals
  2. Goal Exchange Sheet (Download FREE sheet at the bottom of the page)
  3. Accountability partner

NOW that you have the 3 ingredients, it’s time to finish the recipe.

Guidelines on How to Use the Bloom Exchange Sheet

Once you have downloaded the goal exchange sheet (download a free copy below), the first thing you want to do is list 3 personal development goals that you would like to work towards. Before writing anything down, think about what areas in your life you would like to improve, if you are having a brain fart, click here for examples.

Now it’s time to write down your goals, which I broke down into sub categories. I discussed the purge and prune method by Marie Florleo to prioritize your goals so you won’t become overwhelmed.  If you haven’t read Goals: How to Create a Realistic List & Tackle them Effectively, now is the time to read it because it goes hand and hand with this post.

After you are done listing your goals within the sub categories (not every category needs to be filled in), it’s time to write the Action Steps you need to take to accomplish your goals. If you are unsure on the action steps, talk to someone that can give you guidance on what you need to do. Feel free to email me any questions; I’m here to help.

Next thing you want to do, if you haven’t already, is buy a  planner to transfer your goals into. Review your list of projects/goals and write the items down into each month.  If you know a goal or project will span several months, add it to as many months as needed. If you are having trouble finding the best planner, Pam Covarrubias creates one of the best planners, check them out here. She’s actually the one that helped me bring the Bloom Goal Exchange Sheet alive.

Last but not least, give yourself a realistic time to complete your goals. Understand that some goals may take longer than others and not everything on your list needs to be accomplished all in one year as long as you are making actions steps to get there.

Accountability Partner Responsibilities

Make sure you pick a partner that you can be real with, can give and take constructive criticism, and someone that will call you out when you are making up excuses or procrastinating. This is the only way it will work!

Make a copy of your goal sheet and give one to your accountability partner.

Check Ins: Call & check in at the end of each week or every two weeks. Pick a day that works well for you both.  See how the other is progressing towards his or her goals.

Some Questions to Ask:

What goal or project are you working on this month?

What action steps do you plan on taking for the next week or two towards your projects or goals?

If you didn’t complete your action plan during the time frame, carry that action plan over to the next month and make sure you complete it (accountability partner hold your partner accountable).

Time to be honest: If you feel like you or your partner are not progressing or having a hard time during that month, encourage and have a real talk where you need to improve. If you need tips, email me, I’m happy to help!

** Most Importantly, remember to acknowledge and reflect on the progress you are making towards your project or goal. It’s important to celebrate when you have accomplished a goal or made a large progress towards your goal or project. Don’t forget to Trust The Timing of Your Life!

Two things you need to do to download a FREE Bloom Exchange Sheet

  1. Comment below and share one goal you are looking forward to accomplishing this year.  Download Here





  1. Sheree Fullwood | 21st Feb 17

    I’m super excited to not only tackle our goals for this coming year, but to organize and execute them in a more efficient way. With the help of the ‘Goal Exchange Sheet’ I was able to break my own goals down into small measurable/obtainable steps that can be completed in a realistic time frame – say a few days or within the week. Not only did it save me time, but it made me realize that the “big picture” wasn’t as intimidating as I originally saw it to be, but with the right planning I could start taking the necessary steps to make my dreams a reality.

    You ladies need to take full advantage of the Bloom ‘Goal Exchange Sheet’ and start putting those thoughts into action!

  2. Melissa | 21st Feb 17

    I can’t wait to use this ‘Goal ExchangeSheet ‘to better execute my goals for the year. One goal in particilar I plan on achieving this year is improving my self confidence. 💁🏾

  3. Shaniece | 22nd Feb 17

    Thank you Sheree for sharing your experience,I look forward to hearing about your goals that you achieved.

  4. Shaniece | 22nd Feb 17

    Self confidence is a great goal to work towards because it goes hand & hand with all aspects of our lives. Thanks Melissa for sharing. 🙂

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