Four Ways To Get Rid of Your Self-Limiting Beliefs

 To get rid of one’s Self-limiting beliefs one has to know their true Self. Also, what are the beliefs one is holding that are limiting the Self? So, who are you really? Who is your true self? What are the beliefs that limit you from living from your true Self. You will learn 4 steps that will help you align with your True Self. From this place you can understand and heal your self-limiting beliefs, so you can get rid of them and live your life in alignment with your true Self.

1.  Make Contact With Your True Self

First, we have to get into alignment with our true Self so we can see our limiting beliefs. We can do this by remembering a time when we felt most ourselves. Remember a time that you felt most in alignment with who you truly are. It can be a memory of when you felt loved, connected, energized, calm. Maybe when you accomplished something, good grades, giving a presentation, feeling loved and seen by someone. Sometimes we feel most ourselves when we are with our pets, our animals can make us feel loved and safe. If you do not have a memory, then imagine what it would feel like to be who you truly are.
Take a few movements to connect to this memory and your true Self. Maybe write down how you feel in this memory and notice how it makes you feel inside your body. Maybe you feel a lightness, tingling, energized, peaceful. Now you know who your true Self is the next step is to identify the beliefs that limit you from living from this place.

2. Discover Your Self-Liming Beliefs

When we are younger, we live from our true Self but as we go through life, we have to adopt certain limiting beliefs that at the time may help us to survive. These survival Self-limiting beliefs later come to hinder us from living our best life because we do not naturally let them go when we are safe again.
Often our Self-limiting beliefs are formed from being told we are not good or that we have done something wrong when we are younger. These experiences from our childhood form our beliefs about ourselves and the world. Become curious as to what your Self-limiting beliefs are? When were these beliefs formed? How old are these beliefs? Do your parents hold similar beliefs?

3. Seek to understand your limiting beliefs

Every part of us including our Self-limiting beliefs was originally created to keep us safe. The problem is that we grow past their need. We make it through whatever was threatening us, but the beliefs stay. So, we must go inside and let these parts of us that hold Self-limiting beliefs know we are safe, we no longer need them to protect us.
It’s time to start a dialogue with your Self-limiting beliefs. Once you have identified your Self-limiting beliefs seek to understand what their original purpose was. You can do this a few ways. First, you can choose a Self-limiting belief you would like to work with. Visualize this belief. You may visualize it as a younger version of you, it may be a cartoon-like character. It can also be helpful to check in with your body to see if you hold this belief somewhere within you.
Once you can locate or see your Self-limiting belief you can seek to understand with compassion and curiosity. Remember the first exercise we used to identify your true Self, connect to this place before dialoguing with your Self-limiting beliefs.
Once you have compassionate curiosity ask your Self-limiting part what it is trying to protect you from? Trust what comes. Ask how old this part believes you are. Often these beliefs were formed a long time ago in our childhood and part of us believes we are still there, stuck. Trust the age it tells you and if it is anything but your true age shows it how old you are now, show it your true Self.
Often there is a sense of relief from the part to see you are grown up. Ask the part what it needs from you too let go of this Self-limiting belief. Trust what comes and offer it what it needs to let go of the belief. Once it has let you know everything it has to share with you take it to a place where it feels free to be itself.

4. Commit To Living From Your True Self

The last step to getting rid of Self-limiting beliefs is to complete this process with all your Self-limiting beliefs. Common Self-limiting beliefs are the belief we are not good enough, we are not pretty enough, skinny enough, smart enough, have enough, etc. Commit to going within with compassion and curiosity to understand your true Self and to heal the Self-limiting beliefs you hold. Commit to understanding and releasing the burdens of Self-limiting beliefs that hold you back from living your life in alignment with your True Self. Remember who you truly are.
Use your memories and see yourself through the eyes of people who love you unconditionally. Learn to live from unconditional love for your Self so you can heal and release the parts of yourself that are limiting you.

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