How to create the life you love ~ Manifesting 101

I’m happy to have, Life Energy Coach, Valerie Sorrentino on Bloom today!

I met her at the Vision Board Annual Event in San Diego and I fell in love with her outlook on the simple art of manifestation. The past few years, I have found that manifesting is the only way to attract everything I want in my life. Mindset plays a big role in that. Changing your mindset is not the easiest thing to do; it takes time, patience, and guidance. It’s been about 4 years since I have changed my mindset and the way I view life, which has allowed me to accomplish a few of my goals a lot quicker. My thinking process has definitely shifted for the better. After talking with Valerie, I’ve realized what I’m missing is a little extra guidance to help be more in line with my goals, to have a bit more clarity. After meeting Valerie at the vision board event, I knew I had to get her on Bloom, so she can give me and all my Bloom followers’ insight on how to create the life you love. 

Everyone Meet Valerie Sorrentino! 


It may seem impossible to live your dream life, but believe me, You CAN Do It!

You CAN live the life YOU love!

And it rarely happens by accident.

Hi.  I’m Valerie Sorrentino.  For over 15 years, I teach manifesting, meditation, and how to relax into the successful life you love through tele classes and live events right here in San Diego.

What have you been doing all of this time? Seriously, how do you spend your time? The reason I ask is because, when I look back, it’s amazing to see how far I’ve come.  It’s a quantum leap from the pessimistic, often sarcastic, even depressing state of being I was in for so long.

So, how do you spend your time? It matters! For years, I wandered around accidentally being happy or sad or whatever because I hadn’t found my purpose.  Everything was just happening. Many things were amazing and I still didn’t feel that sense of fulfillment UNTIL, I found the one main ingredient I’m about to share with you now.

To find your purpose, you must decide on one.  Become purposeFUL.

In order to create the life you want to be living, it’s very important to know what life you want to be living. It’s that simple!  But no one said it would always be easy.

Here’s the 101 part- Answer this question.  How can I create what I want if I don’t know what it is? 

Your homework is to take some quiet time for yourself. Ask yourself the question, ”What is it that I really want?”  Sit with that for a while.  Write it down. Make a list. Check it often.

There’s a natural order to things in life.  There’s an evolutionary process.  It can be darkest before the dawn.  I want you to remember that if you feel stuck or that things are not going your way, you might be very close to breaking through into the next level of happiness. Don’t give up. Get up and keep going.

Valerie lives in San Diego near the ocean with her husband of 27 years, her little doggy, Tia and welcomes the visits of her two grown children, Dominick and Lexi. She’s following her life’s passion of helping others live their best life, clear energy patterns and is a speaker and writer of spiritual growth and personal development.  Her favorite hobby is to see what can be manifested easily and magically for the highest and best life possible.

Valerie works with people throughout the U.S.

Reach her at to learn more about having her speak with your group or join her meditation /vision board online coaching groups. She would love to help you Create A Positive Place to Grow.  The secret to success is found in the quiet within.

Thank you Valerie for sharing your knowledge and being a part of the Bloom community!

I would love to hear from you!

What questions do you have for Valerie? 

Do you know someone that can benefit from this? If so, pay it forward and share this post with them!


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